A County at War: Life on the Home Front in Hertfordshire.

In these two interviews, Howard Guard, writer and director of ‘A County at War’ tells Jill Burridge about the key elements of the film, which was made in 2014 as part of Hertfordshire’s contribution to the nationwide remembrance of the beginning of WW1 a hundred years earlier. Using mostly still photographs (from the Hertfordshire Archive, local museums and private collections in Hertfordshire as well as National Archives), this film is the story of the people left at home as well as of the Hertfordshire Regiment.

Part One
The first interview is focused on the Battle of Passchendale, which began on 31st July 2017 and saw the destruction of the Hertfordshire Regiment and the loss of most of its men.

Length: 17 minutes


Part Two
The second interview looks at the impact of the War on the Home Front, including the many roles of women and the part that Hatfield House played in the introduction of the tank to support the troops. The director also explains more about how the film was made almost entirely from still photographs.

Length: 19 minutes


St Albans Talking Newspaper